Welcome to Pushpagiri College of Nursing

Pushpagiri College of Nursing is one of the first private Self Financing Nursing College in Kerala, established by Pushpagiri Medical Society which is having more than four decades of history in Nursing Education and Care. Pushpagiri Medical College hospital is the parent hospital for training, which is having 678 beds with all specialities & Super specialities providing the student clinical experience under one roof. College is recognized by INC, KNMC & KUHS. We have excellent faculty, library and laboratory facilities. Besides B.Sc Nursing we offer M. Sc Nursing courses too. Our graduates are working in all State and Central government hospitals and corporate hospitals in India and abroad.

--------------------------------- Prof. Vineetha Jacob - Principal



  • Foundation of Nursing Lab

    FON lab is the basic foundation lab in the art of nursing. It will guide students to improve knowledge.

  • Nutrition Lab

    Nutrition laboratory with all modern amenities for preparing students to prepare various kinds of diets.

  • Computer Lab

    Our computer labs are highly functional and are constructed to cater the various needs of students.



Student Nurses Association

With a membership of 60,000 nationwide, the National Student Nurses’ Association mentors the professional development of future registered nurses and facilitates their entrance into the profession by providing educational resources, leadership opportunities, and career guidance.

National Service Scheme

National Service Scheme, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Govt. of India, popularly known as NSS was launched in Gandhiji’s Birth Centenary Year 1969, in 37 Universities involving 40,000 students with primary focus on the development of personality of students through community service.

Continuing Nursing Education

Continuing Nursing Education consists of various educational activities that maintain & develop the knowledge, skills & professional practice of nurses to maintain their competencies to provide safe patient care and to keep pace with advances and innovations in healthcare.



    • 20 NOV 21
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    NAAC Sensitization Program

    A NAAC sensitization program was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing (PCON) on 19th and 20th of November 2021 on Google meet at 2 to 4pm on both days. Dr. Agnes E. J. PhD(N), Professor, Dept of Mental Health Nursing and Former IQAC Coordinator of Fr. Muller College

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    • 18 NOV 21
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    World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is celebrated from 18-24 November every year. The 2021 theme, Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance, calls on One Health stakeholders, policymakers, health care providers, and the general public to be Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) awareness champons. It is the most global events of the UN having included antibiotic resistance as one of

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    • 16 NOV 21
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    Pneumonia is the single biggest infectious killer of adults and children – claiming the lives of 2.5 million, including 672,000 children, in 2019. Deaths from COVID-19 added two million more in 2020, bringing the total to more than four million. No other infection causes anywhere near this burden of death. The World Pneumonia Day was

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You can reach us at our address below or email/ call us during office hours given above.

Pushpagiri College of Nursing
Pushpagiri Campus
Near Municipal Stadium
Thiruvalla 689101, Kerala
Phone: +91 469 2602441
Fax: +91 469 2700755