• 09 FEB 24
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    On February 9, 2024, the Foundations of Nursing Department, along with first-semester BSc Nursing students, organized an exhibition called ‘Innovata 2k24’ as part of the curriculum for Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology. Mrs. Mintu Sebastian, the Subject coordinator of Applied Anatomy, and Mrs. Riti Annie Thomas, the Subject coordinator of Applied Physiology, provided guidance for the event. The students were grouped into 8 teams, each focusing on topics such as the Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Digestive system, Musculoskeletal system, Nervous system, Sense organs, Excretory system, and Endocrine system. To showcase their talents and knowledge, the students created visually appealing aids, including charts, ladder charts, flower charts, working models, still models, flash cards, leaflets, pamphlets, and more. The exhibition commenced at 12:00 Noon, and Fr. Aby Vadakkumthala, the Director of Institutions, honored the event with his presence. Prof. Vineetha Jacob, the Principal, Prof. Renjini Devi, the Vice Principal-Academics, Sr. Mary Jyothi, the Vice Principal-Administration, along with faculty members and non-teaching staff, visited the exhibition and provided feedback. Students from other batches attended the exhibition according to a pre-prepared schedule. Alumni members also attended, sharing their experiences and offering support to the juniors. In addition, the students conducted various games and quizzes as part of the exhibition. The participants expressed that they gained more knowledge from the exhibition compared to regular class lectures. Over 95% of visitors rated the event as excellent, while 4.5% found it good. Approximately 100 parents visited, expressing satisfaction with their children’s professional growth. The exhibition concluded at 5:00 pm.

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