Appreciation given from Seethathode gramapanchayat persident Mr. P R Pramod, received by Prof. Mrs. Vineetha Jacob, Principal Pushpagiri college of Nursing.
Pushpagiri college of nursing conducted monthly tribal healthcare activities associated with PHC,Seethathode and DMO Pathanamthitta on 24/01/2025.A medical camp was conducted for inmates in Maria Bhavan, Seethathodu along with tribals in Moozhiyar and Anathodu with the help of Dr.Vincent Xavier,Medical Officer ,PHC Seethathodu. This program was organized by Community Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing and National Service Scheme. The program was fully supported by Prof.Vineetha Jacob(Principal, Pushpagiri College of Nursing ) along with Sr. Mayukha SIC Firstly we visit Maria Bhavan, Seethathodu provided health checkup for 50 female inmates there who are mentally ill and spent good quality time with the support of Sr.Gabriel SIC, Sr.Dharma SIC and Sr.Joshna SIC.After that we visit the tribals out there in Moozhiyar and Anathodu.Through the camp provided Health Checkup and other necessary items including clothing and food supplies like rice, cereals,pulses and other kitchen utilities to 10 families.The camp was benefited and well appreciated by tribal families and member in Moozhiyar and Anathodu. In this occasion we thank Dr. Vincent Xavier and other health care member who accompanied and support us in our visit and community activites.