• 24 JUL 24
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    IQAC-Research and Innovation Cell – GUEST LECTURE

    IQAC, Research & Innovation Cell of Pushpagiri College of Nursing conducted Guest Lecture on the topic, “ZOTERO.”  The aim of the event was to equip faculty & students in using the referencing software. The resource person was Dr. Sunu Alice Cherian, Lecturer, Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences & Deputy Director, Pushpagiri Center for Evidence Based Practice.

    The event began at 12 noon with a welcome address by Prof. Mrs. Mathew Soney, CNE co-ordinator PCON. There were 20 participants including faculty and PG students. The event came to an end by 1pm with vote of thanks proposed by Sr.Mary Jyothi, IQAC & Research cell co-ordinator. Prof. Mrs. Vineetha Jacob handed over a token of appreciation & certificate to the resource person. The session was very beneficial & well appreciated by all.

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