World Polio Day is observed every year on October 24.This provides an opportunity to highlight the global efforts toward a polio-free world and honor the tireless contributions of those on the frontlines in the fight to eradicate polio from every corner of the globe.
Child health nursing department of Pushpagiri college of Nursing observed world polio day on 26/10/23 at Pediatric OPD. Students of third year BSc nursing, pushpagiri college of nursing conducted an awareness programme on “Polio and its Prevention” at paediatric OPD. Students discussed various aspects like polio, its causes, signs and symptoms, management and prevention with the help of a role play.Total of 8 students, 2 faculties of child health nursing department and 30 patient bystanders were present for the programme. This helped to create an awareness to the public regarding the importance of vaccination in the global eradication of polio.