The Department of Mental Health Nursing , Pushpagiri College of Nursing, Thiruvalla and INSCOL , Kochi organized an experience based session on reflective practice on 31-01-2023 at 2pm. The objectives of the session was to explore the concept of reflection in nursing. The program started with a prayer led by 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing students. Ms. Honey K H of third year B.Sc. welcomed the resource person to the session. The session on reflective practice was taken by Mrs. Reavthy, M.Sc. nurse and AHA trainer at INSCOL. She discussed various topics like significance of reflective practice in health care industry, the concepts of reflection in nursing, advantages and disadvantages of reflective practices, factors that inhibit and felicitate reflective practice, Gibb’s model of reflection and concept of reflective practice in clinical scenario. Mrs. Reavthy also conducted group activites demonstrating reflective practices. After the session Sr. Mary Jyoti Vice Principal, PCON, presented a memento to Mrs. Reavthy for her effort and time. Mrs. Mathew Soney Professor, Professor, Community Health Nursing Department shared her reflective practice experience with the listeners. The session was anchored by Ms. Abhinovam C Varghese, third year B.Sc nursing. The participants of the session included 23 teaching faculties along with third year B.Sc. nursing students. The programme concluded at 4pm with a vote of thanks by Ms. Jeny Jayasenan,third year B.Sc nursing.