The National Service Scheme unit (NSS/FU/PNT/KUHS/2) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing observed Pledge taking ceremony on 24/09/2022 at 8.00 am in the Pushpagiri college of Nursing, Thiruvalla. A total of 225 volunteers took pledge on the NSS Day celebration. This programme helped the volunteers to make an idea of the responsibility of being an NSS volunteer.Ms. Ashitha Elsa , NSS volunteer welcomed the gathering. The chief guest of the programme was Ms.Asha Ashok, NSS Programme Officer and Ms.Ritti Annie Thomas, NSS Asst. Programme Officer. They gave message to the volunteers on the significance of celebrating NSS Day. Ms.Athira, NSS Student Volunteer Secretary deliver Pledge to the volunteers. The programme created motivation among volunteers.