The National Service Scheme unit (NSS/FU/PNT/KUHS/2) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing observed ONAM festival on 06 September,2022 along with the collaboration with QAS cell, Community health nursing department and Thiruvalla Social service Society- Bodana. . The programme created an awareness on the significance of the Bodhana Medicare Program which helps patients in need. There were around 10 volunteers who participated in the preparation and distribution of the onam kit, containing essential items namely rice, semolina, coconut oil, soaps, washing soap, sugar, jaggery, ghee etc. The programme started at around 9 am with the a prayer song and a presidential speech by Rev. Daniel, the president of the Bodhana service society, which was followed by the introduction to Bodhana medicare programme. The volunteers made a traditional athapookalam at the entrance of the Thiruvalla Social Service Society. The Volunteers also distributed monetary aid and onam kits to the beneficiaries followed by the regular monthly medical check-upswhich was lead by Dr. Felix and a team of doctors. The programme was conducted following covid protocols. The programme helped to create humanity and enrich morale values among volunteers.