The National Service Scheme unit (NSS/FU/PNT/KUHS/2) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing observed the SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME on 27 JULY,2022 at CMS HIGH SCHOOL, Thukalassery. This programme helped to create awareness among the school children regarding the menstruation and menstrual hygiene. This programme also made a platform to the volunteers for interactive session among school children. The programme was conducted in collaboration with PUSHPATHALIR, a joint venture of Child Health Nursing Department and Mental Health Nursing Department. There were around 08 volunteers participated in the School health awareness programme to the school children regarding menstruation and menstrual hygiene. There were around 30 female students along with their parents as well as school faculties attended the awareness programme. The NSS volunteers conducted Role play, Awareness Class as well as various game session for school children. The volunteers distributed sanitary napkins to school children and their parents. The programme was very informative one. It creates enthusiasm among volunteers.