Audio visual aids plays an important role in health education. On June 4th 2022, we the 4th year BSC. (N) Students and 1st year MSC(N) conducted an AV- aids show at Pushpagiri college of nursing auditorium . This AV- aid show was based on the topic BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS) AND ADVANCE CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT (ACLS). Which was arranged under AV- aids such as chars, flannel board, bulletin board, ladder chart, film strip, flip chart, working model, still model, slide projector, OHP, LCD projector, black board, dummy, flowchart, demonstration and diorama etc. Before conducting the programme we got adequate guidance from our teacher Mrs.Anila velayudhan and Mrs.Alphonsa and Sr.Mayukha and also from our 1st year MSC (N) students. They helped us in each moves. On 3rd June 2022 evening we started our work for the preparation of different AV- aids in which we were divided into 4 groups. Every students actively participated in making AV- aids. On June 4th 2022 around 8am we started arranging the auditorium for the show. The show started at 11am and was inaugurated by professor. Vineetha Jacob (principal of pushpagiri college of nursing, thiruvalla) Sr.Mary jyothi oss, and Mrs.Renjini Devi (vice principal pcon, thiruvalla for the show, At the entry we had an entry sheet where the name, designation / year of study and signature was collected from those who came to see the show. After filling the entry sheet, they were directed to a black board where the topic of the show was displayed. Then comes the LCD projector in which the definition of BLS was displayed. After that, slide projector were the structure of the heart was depicted. After that the indication of CPR was shown in a flipchart, pathophysiology in a film strip, recovery position in a flash card, chain of survival by a cartoon presentation via chart. Then we had a puppet show presented by our students.
- Flip chart: A stationary item consisting of a large paper sheet fixed to the upper edge of a white board.
- Film strip: series of sequenced slides on a piece of film strip projected on a screen.
- Flash card: A card containing small amount of information used as aid in learning.
- Chart: simple hand drawn / written chart.
- Black board: framed with teak wood available in black or green colour.
- Slide projector: it projects transparencies with brilliant screen images
- LCD Projector: It is a video projector for displaying videos, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface.
- Puppet show: A dramatic performance staged with puppets with dialogues or music provided by a puppeteer.
After the Puppet show we had a demonstration on performing CPR. The steps of CPR was depicted on a ladder chart and a dummy was used for demonstration. A model of defibrillator was also there followed by a crash cart trolley and diorama of CCU. The next section was paediatric CPR, for that working model depicting paediatric CPR and still model depicting affected system. A flow chart was also used for showing the steps of CPR and charts for showing two finger and thumb finger method.
- Ladder chart: It is a form of representation using charts in a ladder shaped models.
- Flow chart: Representation using charts which uses an arrow method.
The next session was based on the different cardiac related news which was depicted and fixed on a bulletin board. And the last session was a gaming session which was displayed on the flannel board. The person who complete the game was given chocolates as gift.
- Bulletin board: used for pasting public messages.
- Flannel board: unique way to use visual and words together.
At the exit, we had kept feedback forms for those visited the show. All the staffs, non- teaching staffs and students of all the batch actively participated in the show and give their valuable feedback. Our Principal Prof. Vineetha Jacob spoke about the show that the show was yet another learning activity, where in the students have put their spirit and talent in bringing out a well-organized AV- aid show. The positive feedback we got from those who came for the show was, the show was interesting and helpful to know more about BLS and ACLS and everyone gave good feedback especially for puppet show. Main correction which we got was that some more principles can be exhibited in the AV Aids. Overall the feedback about the show was good. We are very thankful to our Teachers, Mrs.Anila, Mrs.Alphonsa, and Sr. Mayukha for their support and guidance. A Special thanks to our M.sc Nursing first year students for their help and guidance. We are thankful to all our batch mates who put on their efforts for making the AV Aids with in a limited period of time and for their co-operation.