Third group members of Nursing Education conducted a panel discussion under the guidance of first year M.Sc Nursing students on the topic “Innovative Teaching Strategies“on june 3 ,2022 at 1pm.The panelists were Mridhula Shine, Midhuna Pradeep, Merlit Mathew,Melvina James,Richa Elizabeth Chacko and Neethu Sara Jose and the moderator was Melwyn Mathew.The audience was 2nd year B.Sc Nursing students and faculty members. The each panelists discussed various topics.Panelist Mridhula Shine discussed about”How innovative teaching strategies help better teaching“.Panelist Midhuna Pradeep discussed the topic about “Innovative teaching strategies for better students“. Panelists Richa and Neethu Sara discussed the topic” Innovative teaching strategies for better teaching method“.Panelist Melvina James discussed about “How teaching can be made interesting“.Panelist Merlit Mathew discussed about “Future of innovative teaching strategies”.Moderator Melwyn Mathew introduced all panelist .Priya Anna Joseph have given a summary about panel discussion at end.The feedback was given by Liya Varghese,Neethu Achankunju and Prilsiya Antony.At the of the session the doubts were cleared by panelist.The programme was very informative and it helped the audience to gain more knowledge about Innovative Teaching Strategies.