The National Service Scheme unit (NSS/FU/PNT/KUHS/2) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing observed the SWASTH BALAK BALIKA SPARDHA day on 01 APRIL,2022 in the PHC of KUTTOR Ammayimukku a region falling in the adopted village of our college. The programme was conducted in collaboration with Community Health Nursing Department. The Programme helped to create awareness about the importance of celebrating the healthy boy and girl child day. This programme also helped to create an awareness on the significance of the day. There were around 12 volunteers who participated in the various assessments conducted on the under 5 children, who were the beneficiaries of the services provided in the anganwadi organized by the college conducted on the same day from 2 to 4 p.m. the programme included checking of vital parameters, role play, story, health rhymes for the awareness of children, their mothers and immediate caretakers. About 20 mothers and their children participated in the awareness and assessment programme following Covid appropriate protocols. The programme proved to be very enthusiastic for the volunteers. The NSS Asst. programme coordinator collaborated the efforts of the students in the programme. The programme was indeed a fruitful one.