The National Service Scheme unit (NSS/FU/PNT/KUHS/2) of Pushpagiri College of Nursing observed the PUBLIC HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAMME as part of WORLD TUBERCULOSIS DAY on
24/03/2022 at Kuttoor PHC from 10 am to 12 pm. A total of 30 volunteers participated in the programme. The programme was conducted in collaboration with Community Health Nursing Department and Kuttoor PHC. This programme helped to gain awareness regarding the tuberculosis. The volunteers satisfied and felt proud that they had given enough information regarding tuberculosis to the society. The volunteers had developed the skills of role play. The programme inaugurated by Kuttoor Panchayat President Mr. Shibu. Community Health Department HOD, Mrs.Mathew Soney and Mrs.Asha Ashok, NSS Programme Officer were present during the programme.There were a group of masses observed the role play. The volunteers had played a role play regarding the introduction of tuberculosis, its etiology, its symptoms, its management in a beautiful way so that it would get easily understood by the public. This programme helped to develop the sense of responsibility to the volunteers as they did beneficial to public by providing an awareness programme.