As a part of the World Aids Day Celebration, we the Community Health Nursing in collaboration with the Medical Surgical Nursing and SNA UNIT conducted an awareness programme on December 1st 2021 .The theme for the 2021 World Aids Day was ‘END INEQUALITY; END AIDS’. The programme was conducted in the OP Department of OBG in the Mother and Child Block. The Group Health Education was conducted in the form of a skit and a dance. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Sreedevi , HOD of OBG department and Felicitation was given by Dr.Susan Mathew, Head of the unit, OBG. The gathering was addressed and welcomed by Sr. Mayukha SIC ,Associate Professor, Community Health Nursing .The programme was conducted in the presence of Ms .Silvy Mathew (Medical Surgical Nursing) ,Ms. Wincy Mary Wilson(Child Health Nursing and SNA Incharge) and other faculties of College of Nursing .The skit was performed by 4 th year BSc Nursing students and a theme based dance was performed by 2 nd year BSc Nursing students. The skit was centered on a family who had to face the stigma of AIDS by the people around them. The group health education was focussed on the causes , mode of transmission, clinical manifestations , management and prevention of HIV AIDS. A word of gratitude for the gathering was given by Ms .Jiya Cherian (4 th year BSc Nursing).
Amazing 😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥
Reply →Good 😍
Reply →It is very good information about some myths regarding the curing of both HIV and hepatitis C infection. It was somewhat useful for many including me. It is a must-read blog to explore the new info about <a href=""> </a> HIV and hepatitis C infection curable medicines . Keep it posting these kinds of informative blogs in the future!
Reply →It is very good information about some myths regarding the curing of both HIV and hepatitis C infection. It was somewhat useful for many including me. It is a must-read blog to explore the new info about <a href=""> HIV and hepatitis C infection curable medicines</a>. Keep it posting these kinds of informative blogs in the future!
Reply →It is very good information about some myths regarding the curing of HIV infection. It was somewhat useful for many, including me. It is a must-read blog to explore the new info about <a href=""> HIV infection curable medicines</a>. Keep it posting these kinds of informative blogs in the future!
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