Report on Onam celebration @ oldage home
Pushpagiri college of nursing has organized onam celebration in old age home(Bethany divyakaarunya aalayam , Kottoor ) at Thiruvalla. The program was scheduled on 18th August 2021 at 10.30 am. Mrs. Asha Jacob( Ist year MSC nursing student) welcomed all to the occasion. Fr. Aby Vadakkumthala (Director of Pushpagiri Institutions) inaugurated the celebration and Fr. Joseph ( Director of Bethany Divyakarunya Aalayam) conveyed Onam message.
Pushpagiri college of nursing sponsored a wheel chair, a nebulizer, sphygmomanometer and thermometer to the old age home. It was handed over by Fr. Aby Vadakkumthala, Sr Therese SIC, Fr. Mary John to Fr. Joseph, the Director of Bethany Divyakaarunya Aalayam. nursing students arranged varities of cultural programmes and encouraged the inmates to participate in the same. we provided onam gifts to all members of the old age home. The programme ended with onam sadhya and left the old age home by 2pm.