Webinar: – Topic: Emerging Trends in Critical Care Nursing –COVID 19
The department of Medical and Surgical –Pushpagiri College of Nursing in collaboration with Nursing Service Department of PMCH,Thiruvalla organized a webinar through zoom platform on 15th September 2020 based on the topic “Emerging Trends In Critical Care Nursing –COVID 19”.The webinar was started at 1.20pm by a silent prayer and Mrs.Sariga.J.Thheresa.HOD of Medical and Surgical Nursing Department and Nursing Superintendent of PMCH,Thiruvalla welcomed the gatherings. The inaugural function of the webinar was done by Rev.Fr.Thomas Pariyarath, Hospital Administrator,PMCH and Director, IT and Marketing. Felicitation was given by Prof. Mrs.Renjini Devi, Vice Principal, Pushpagiri College of nursing.
The sessions started at 1.30pm by Ms. Aisha Mubarak, Group Nursing Lead Hospital Infection Control, KIMS; Trivandrum on the topic Safety in Our Hands. Madam discussed on the practical aspects of how to mitigate the infection control related facets which a nurse working in critical care unit should take care while going through this pandemic. The next topic was Dimensions of Care in Managing Patients –COVID ICU by Dr. Mathew Pulicken, HOD Critical Care and Deputy Medical Superintendent of Pushpagiri Medical College Hospital detailed on the issues confronted by nurses and the nursing care of COVID patients. The final session Quality standards-Revisited by Ms.Kanu.V.Dev, Nurse Manager, Training and Development, KIMS, Trivandrum, emphasized on standards which has to be maintained in the present scenario of COVID without compromising the quality and patient safety.
The webinar ended by 3.45pm and we had a participation of 453 delegates from different parts of the state. We received excellent feedback regarding the topic selected and the speakers were appreciated for integrating the practical aspect of care in the online format. The department faculties and the CNE Department of Nursing Service Department have dedicated their full effort to make this webinar a success.